Back To The Future As House Prices Return to the 2008 Level
October 3, 2009
For many of us, we can breath more easily (at least for the time being) as house prices have recovered to the same level as a year ago. According to the latest statistics from the Nationwide, the average price of a house last month rose by 0.9% to £161,816 which is almost identical to the September 2008 figure.
However, this is not all good news as the Nationwide continued by warning that the recent house price increases were unlikely to continue at this present rate if more homes were to enter the market. Like so many other sectors, the property market is influenced by the feel good factor, which as we all appreciate is in short supply at the present moment. However, life is not simply about statistics and economic forecasting. As I maintain, our investment in property is long term and above all, our homes should be enjoyed to their maximum potential. Yes, things are depressed at the moment, but as we all appreciate, the long term trend is for house prices to continue rising. So, get out there and improve or move home!
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