Archived Entries - Renewable Energy

3 articles listed for the category Renewable Energy

When it comes to Renewable Energy Sources - what is best for me? (2 Comments)

4 March 2011

There is no doubt that we as a nation are starting to warm to the idea of generating energy from a renewable source. Next time you are out and about, simply lift your head to the roofs of homes around and I will be bitterly disappointed if you are not confronted by an array of solar panels or indeed a token wind turbine for example. Advancements in technology have made it easier and more affordable... Continue reading When it comes to Renewable Energy Sources - what is best for me?

Renewable Energy

14 December 2010

As part of the Government's spending review it was announced in October this year that the Renewable Heat Incentive scheme, or RHI, will go ahead, hopefully by June 2011. What, I hear you cry, is the RHI?! We are all by now well aware of the planet's limited fossil fuel supply and that we need to look to greener, more renewable forms of energy. Heat production accounts for around half of the UK's... Continue reading Renewable Energy

The Heat Is On - Will the Government's Aspirations of Zero Carbon Living become a Reality?

19 February 2009

Did you realise that by 2016, the Government will expect that all new homes that are built will be zero carbon? In order for a house to be classed as being zero carbon, it will have to generate as much power as it uses over the course of a year. For most of us, the idea of having a home that generates enough power to meet its own requirements would appear as likely as the 50 pence litre of petrol.... Continue reading The Heat Is On - Will the Government's Aspirations of Zero Carbon Living become a Reality?

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