#405 Robert, 7 March 2015, 14:44
I have a garden wall (200cm high) which goes through a middle of my land. Do I need a planning permission to move the wall to the edge of my land boarder?
#474 Janet metcalf , 18 April 2016, 21:07
I live in a semi detached house with a drive on the side but also we live next to a public snicket and our garden wall is smack on the snicke which is our boundry wall. We was thinking of putting a exstention on side of the house but have been told we can't build on our boundry wall is this true .
#672 Mark Brown, 5 September 2019, 15:39
I dont think so but a fact is that there are high level of restrictions in certain communities. if going for something casual like getting mini split, you dnt need to inform or ask someone!