Agri Farm building PD issue
December 18, 2023 by Frustrated Welshman in forum Planning Forum
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#2174 Frustrated Welshman, 18 December 2023, 14:51
I’d welcome any help / advice on this, please
We are a farm with well over the 5 hectares needed to qualify for Permitted Development rights for Agri buildings. The rights state we can “alter, erect or extend” our outbuildings.
We went ahead and replaced 2 barn roofs. One for a hay barn and one for a stone barn. We were very careful not to increase heights and we used material sympathetic to the other barns.
Our lovely neighbours (who aren’t farmers) reported us to the planning authority for not having planning. The enforcement officer came out and confirmed we had PD rights, but we should have submitted a prior notification form because we’re in a Nat. Park – for which I apologised ( I didn’t know that).
He also said that he didn’t have an issue with the work we’d done and could see why we had to do it. He said he would write to us within a week or so.
3 months later! he’s written and said the work we carried out does require planning but he hasn’t said why. He also mentioned he’d consulted a colleague on bats and swallows and along with “advising” us to submit planning, suggested we included plans for bats and swallows.
I’ve emailed asking for the “why” and asking whether we can apply for an LDC – but he had sent the email and then immediately put on his “out of office” and has gone off on 3 weeks Xmas holidays (nice of him).
Putting in planning would cost us thousands between the planning consultants and the bat experts reports etc – so I’m wondering about how to go about challenging all of this. Or even if I need to as his letter says “I would advise you” to put in a planning application.
Any advice / experience on this – would be greatly appreciated – thanks in advance.
#2175 Damian, 18 December 2023, 18:35
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