Building up a party wall?
January 6, 2021 by Alex D in forum Planning Forum
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- Building up a party wall?
#879 Alex D, 6 January 2021, 16:10
Does anyone know if planning permission is required to build up a party wall vertically? We are having a dormer loft conversion done on our mid terraced house soon, and of course no planning permission is required for that. However, I would like to be a bit different about it if possible and brick the rear section of the party wall up vertically to the level of the roof ridge and then build the dormer onto the side of that (I have neighbour's consent, he would like us to do it and would pay for half)
If I do it this way, would I now have to get planning permission to extend the party wall? Or would it fall under 'permitted development' same as the dormer itself?
Thank you for your any help!
#882 Damian, 6 January 2021, 23:34
Once the works have been completed for 4 years, you could submit a Lawful Development Certificate application.
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