#1223 David Gibson, 10 February 2022, 14:30
Normally C3 to C4 use change is permitted development unless the is article 4 in the area. C4 is a house in multiple occupation with up to 6 occupiers. One type of HMO is a converted building with some element of non self contained accommodation (section 254 Housing Act 2004). This would imply I can change a house into two self contained flats and two bedsits under permitted development, but this seems to fly in the face to planning for a "new dwelling". Do you think the "dwelling house" in the C4 definition excludes the flats as they are separate dwellings?
#1224 Damian, 13 February 2022, 11:35
A flat or bedsit is naturally a separate and self contained dwelling of which would require Planning.
#1225 David Gibson, 14 February 2022, 07:58
Thanks Damian