Installation of barrier access road to estate

May 28, 2024 by Phil in forum Planning Forum

#2333 Phil, 28 May 2024, 20:52

Hello, I would appreciate some guidance on this issue.

I live on a road which is about 100 meters long from the main road. At the end of our road a large Guinness/One Housing estate has been built 400 plus flats, this is also about 100 metres long making a 200meter road in total from the main road.

Things were fine until they installed a barrier across the road at the front of their estate and do not let deliveries in. Now the deliveries for all these flats have nowhere to go apart from 2 spaces they have created in front of the barrier which just isn’t enough for the volume of traffic that visits the estate.

Our road has 10 parking spaces and tgese are nearly always full so deliveries end up parking where they can on double yellow’s, pavement, or property entrances etc.

I have asked Guinness/One Housing for improvements like controlled access for deliveries but I am now just getting ignored.

I asked the council planning to investigate if the barrier is allowed and also if they have to conform with one of the planning application items which was that deliveries would deliver onsite.

The council have told me that this is not a condition so they cannot enforce it.

Looking online most large sites need to submit a delivery and servicing plan which looking at other applications from different councils online looks like it is a condition to get planning permission.

I would appreciate any guidance with this. Do I go after Guinness/One Housing or tge council and if so how? Or am I fighting a lost cause and they can all do what they like and we are powerless to do anything about it.

Thanks in advance.

#2334 Damian, 29 May 2024, 08:19

I would say that is more related to Highways than Planning.

However, did they seek Planning approval for the barrier/gate?

#2335 Phil, 29 May 2024, 10:29

I’m not sure it highways as the road is a continuation of our road but that section is part of the estate and private.

I have raised the question of planning permission for the barrier and waiting for their answer but I imagine they will let them keep it in place as it’s less than 1 meter high.

The main thing I am trying to do is ask them to take responsibility for the traffic delivering to their estate

#2336 Damian, 29 May 2024, 18:11

If vehicles are causing an obstruction by blocking any part of the highway, then that would be down to some form of traffic enforcement.

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