Lost planning decision notice

November 24, 2022 by Jacob Baldwin in forum Planning Forum

#1419 Jacob Baldwin, 24 November 2022, 09:25

Hello all,

Bit of a strange one here but you lot seem to be rather knowledgeable about this kind of topic.

Location: Ashford, Kent
Property Location: High Halden

I have to find a planning decision from 1974 as I am unsure if a property has an agricultural occupancy clause.

I'm unable to use online search as the application is too old for the council's systems.

I've tried contacting the Kent archives, Tenterden town council and Ashford borough council, but I'm not having any luck finding it.

Would anyone be able to suggest where to look for this application?

Kind regards,

#1421 Damian, 25 November 2022, 00:59

Your Local Planning Authority will hold records of all historical Planning applications. There may well be charges for them to locate and provide you with any written documentation.

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