New drive for end terrace house near junction
July 23, 2022 by Mike Smith in forum Planning Forum
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- New drive for end terrace house near junction
#1325 Mike Smith, 23 July 2022, 18:26
Earlier this year I put in a request for pre application planning advice for a new garage and driveway. The garage is now probably not going to happen, but I'd still like to put in a single car driveway. The advice for that part came back as follows:
"The proposal also includes the creation of a vehicular access drive; the minimum acceptable dimensions for an open car parking space is 5m length and 2.4m width. Davenport Avenue is a mixture of front gardens with on-street parking, and private driveways. On this basis there may be scope for the creation of a private vehicular access/driveway, which would create the benefit of reducing the need for on-street parking.
However, consideration would also need to be given to the proximity of the junction between Davenport Avenue and Lliffe Avenue, and whether a new access this close to the junction would be detrimental to highway safety. Normally for the creation of a new access there should be sufficient parking and turning space for vehicles to enter and exit the site in a forward gear. This is required to prevent cars reversing onto the road, which can present dangers to others (especially near the junction), including pedestrians. Any subsequent application should therefore include vehicular and pedestrian visibility splays on the plans, in order for this to be considered. Please note this could result in the need to remove much of the front boundary fencing to achieve acceptable visibility for vehicles exiting the drive, which could have an unintended knock-on effect for privacy to the side garden."
So as you can see, lots of issues here, the chief one being visibility. As suggested, I'd have to take my fence down to the required level - about 90cm say to be able to see over - but obviously I don't want to do that unless I have the planning permission. Would the authorities expect the visibility to have been attended to already? Or is there some allowance of time to get the job done in between getting permission and putting in the new drive?
#1326 Mike Smith, 23 July 2022, 18:37
The mention of sufficient space to turn around on site and drive out forwards seems a big ask for an end terrace house. Am I wasting my time here?
Thanks for reading - don't know whether this is the right place to ask such questions, but any advice greatly appreciated!
#1327 Damian, 23 July 2022, 22:51
Check your Highway’s guidance in relation to access points close to junctions.
#1328 Mike Smith, 24 July 2022, 00:01
#1329 Mike Smith, 24 July 2022, 00:33
#1330 Mike Smith, 24 July 2022, 11:42
#1331 Damian, 24 July 2022, 20:34
#1337 Mike Smith, 28 July 2022, 10:00
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