Permitted development rights - change of use
April 27, 2015 by Rod in forum Planning Forum
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- Permitted development rights - change of use
#416 Rod, 27 April 2015, 12:11
I'm not sure if anyone can help.
We have a 4 acre plot which is all residential but literally 100 feet outside the village boundary. Our house is on one side of the plot with the garden all on the other side and then another residential house next door, i.e. if we were in the village boundary our garden could be classed as infill.
We have building regs approval to build a large workshop / bungalow which we would eventually like to get change of use to residential so we can give it to my son to live in.
I have been reading that the law changed in 2013 to relax change of use rights from commercial and permitted dev rights to residential. I have also read "somewhere" that a new law is being discussed to allow people to build there own house where ever they want to ( within reason and as long as its a self build ) as it is deemed we have the right to live where we want to... although this hasn't yet been approved.
What i would like to know / advice on is - does the new 2013 law apply to this situation in that we want to build under permitted development rights and then change to residential. Ultimately i am trying to gauge the likely hood of actually getting permission to change the building to residential use.
Any advice / pointers would be really appreciated.
many Thanks.. Rod
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