Planning application with supporting documents

February 7, 2025 by Gwen Jenkins in forum Planning Forum

#2488 Gwen Jenkins, 7 February 2025, 19:49

A neighbour has submitted a full planning application containing numerous errors and omissions eg
Haven’t identified they own land outside the red line plot which accesses the highway; haven’t identified a TPO tree that is on that access; has said existing property is 3 bed (it’s 4), wrongly identified existing materials and not included all those proposed, as a start. Has said no to the majority of questions on the biodiversity checklist and they should be yes eg within 500m of a Ramsar site and said no. What can be done about LPA having validated application? Isn’t this a legal document?

#2489 Damian, 8 February 2025, 09:24

You would hope the LPA would pick up on all or a lot of those errors.

#2490 Gwen Jenkins, 8 February 2025, 09:57

Unfortunately they haven’t.
Is an application a legal document and if so are you aware of the relevant act?
I have noticed that errors etc can be grounds for refusal at committee stage but they need legislation to hook it to if that is the case.

#2491 Damian, 8 February 2025, 21:33

The signed declaration on the application form is enough.

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