Private dog walking fields
March 20, 2019 by Buckeroos girl in forum Planning Forum
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- Private dog walking fields
#631 Buckeroos girl, 20 March 2019, 16:23
Fully enclosed - we are a registered small holding .
Do I need change of use / planning and what on earth does Sui Generis mean ?
I still want horses on part of it so don't want to change from agricultural ( which I'm guessing it is ) to recreational and then not be allowed to have them graze .
I do have PL insurance & am already HMRC reg .
Council won't give a difinative answer unless I submit a pre planning app at a cost of £100
#688 Louise, 5 January 2020, 16:58
#964 Lynda Rayner, 6 March 2021, 12:10
#965 Damian, 6 March 2021, 15:45
With agricultural land, there may be specific uses not permitted under the class. Unless this is in writing somewhere, your LPA would be the best people to advise.
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