Roof height permitted allowance for house on sloping ground
November 16, 2020 by Ollie in forum Planning Forum
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- Roof height permitted allowance for house on sloping ground
#853 Ollie, 16 November 2020, 20:28
I'm planning a single storey rear extension on my 1930s terraced house - 4.5m deep, full width of the house - 6m.
The house is on naturally sloping land, higher at the front. At the back of the house, there is a 0.7m drop to the patio and then a 0.4m drop to the original ground level (at the point of where the back of the extension will be).
The extension comes under permitted development if the height of the roof does not exceed 4m, measured from the "original ground level".
Does anyone know where the original ground level is measured from? Is it the original ground level at the back of the original house? At the back of the planned extension? At the front of the house? From the patio level?
I'm planning on a flat roof and keen to ensure that I stay within permitted development.
#854 Damian, 16 November 2020, 23:46
#1236 David Lees, 21 March 2022, 11:50
#1238 Damian, 22 March 2022, 22:20
And what is it exactly you’re asking?
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