#1458 Allie Donald, 16 January 2023, 20:55
I have a disused former limestone quarry, only about an acre in total. It has a number of spoil heaps I wish to relocate within the quarry floor to create usable space for agricultural machinery storage. The area is not viewable except from the air and has cliff faces up to about 80 feet in height. The volume of 60 - 100mm aggregate and earth spoil is probably of the order of 200 tonnes. The quarry is in an agricultural setting surrounded by fields on the outskirts of a market town in England. Do I need PP to do this? Many thanks!
#1459 Damian, 16 January 2023, 21:15
It sounds like an engineering operation of which Planning would be required.
If in doubt, seek your Council’s informal Pre-application advice.